Explosion 2:  NEW!Explosion 2: 新品種賢 美 貿 易

Guan Mee Trading




Now can be get in Ipoh, Malaysia


新 品 種 花 羅 漢 !!!


現 在 可 以 在 馬 來 西 亞 怡 保 購 買.







Pistachio Flower Horn (Love shape Hualorhan)


High Fin High body!


心 形 花 羅 漢


高 翅 高 身!






New generation & special breed Flower Horn fish!


New Flower Horn Profile :-

Body shape  : Round

Size              : Can be reach 11”include fin

Height          : Can be reach 6”- 8”include fin

Eye colour   : Red

Body Colour: Yellowish on the head, red colour in

                       half body, Blue greenish base





















3” Teen age fish also available!!!


RM200++ each!!!


(Can be negotiable for quantity amount)





If you are interested, please call:

Mr. Yeong (012-5285777) or

                            Mr. Chan (05-3226108)


or email us at:



You also can visit our shop at:


Guan Mee Trading

No. 123, Jalan Pengkalan Barat, Taman Shatin Baru, 31650 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.



(Copyright © 2002 Guan Mee Trading. All Rights Reserved.)